Yu-Gi-Oh Fanon Wikia

Yuo Goha is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS. she is the main antagonist of the Goha 6 Siblings arc.




Yuo is a very short brown-haired boy who wears a cat-eared hair hoop on top of it, has a triangular shape of it, and dresses like the rest of the Goha Siblings. With a black cloak, a gray shirt with a yellow T-shirt under it, a Goha logo, and a white glove.

At other times, he wears black shorts and a yellow shirt with a brown shoulder-length shirt with red buttons and long high-heeled shoes with a ribbon on the neck

He has pink eyes and white skin


Yuo is arguably the most cold hearted of the Goha Siblings, coupled with sociopathic tendencies, having no qualms with removing his siblings from their positions once they lose a Duel, and in fact relishes on this, as he wants to monopolize Goha for himself. He is also fairly deceptive, scheming behind her siblings' back although not completely unnoticed by them. Yuo has shown great cruelty and downright misanthropy, his love for puppets being such because she can manipulate and toy with them as he pleases, calling them his "super cute friends" because they do exactly as he wants them to, going as far as believing Yuga's group to be peasants who struggle in vain, just like his puppets. she seems to have an inferiority complex; while he is reputed as the strongest Duelist among his siblings he becomes easily angered by any perceived disrespect and overreacts, threatening to eject Yuga and his friends into space after learning Yuga had only wanted to know where "Fusion" came from and pettily forcing Nail to Duel for him after Nail warned him not to underestimate Yuga. He has such little faith his siblings like him after his plans that he initially refuses to believe they would still celebrate his birthday.

His negatives outweigh her positives. His behavior is very childish and he wants everything for himself. He was very surprised by Yuga ohdo's reaction, as Yuga really liked him and told him that he was looking for him. Yuga was surprised and backed away because Yuga got so close to his face. He wants to register Rush Dueling as Goha Dueling, he said it's okay for you to take it



Yuga ohdo[]

Yuro Goha (older brother)[]

Yujin Goha (older brother)[]

Yuka Goha (older sister)[]

Yuran Goha(older brother)[]

Yuga Goha (older brother)[]

Nail Saionji[]

Asana Mutsuba[]

